Family Garden Show: Ants on a Log

Three young, smiling musicians with short, dark hair hold string and percussion instruments.

Ants on a Log plays music for children and other childlike people. Their award-winning music centers positivity, social justice, and silliness! Full of humor and harmony, Ants shows are energetic, interactive, and engaging for both children and adults. All Ants shows feature themes of inclusion, self-expression, community, and allyship. Visit for all summer tour dates, and follow the Ants @antsonalogmusic.

This program is brought to you with the support of the North Easton Savings Bank. It's perfect for families with children of all ages.

In the event of inclement weather, the performance will be held at Oakes Ames Hall, located next-door at 3 Barrows Street.

Event Category
Event Location
Queset Garden