Family Fun: Write to an Author

Letter writing has become a bit of a revived craft over these past months as people are looking for creative ways to connect with loved ones near and far. It’s also a great practice for kids learning how to organize a letter, work on their handwriting, or just learn a life skill (stamp goes on the top right!). Consider writing to your favorite author or illustrator. Many are inundated by too many letters to respond, but others do try to send some sort of reply. Maybe you’ll get a surprise in the mail too!

Some tips for writing to authors

  • Tell specific things you enjoy about the author’s book(s): Can you relate to a character they’ve created? Do you love the suspenseful/joyful/funny way they write? Feel free to include things you’d love to see them write about…maybe you’ll provide their next kernel of a story idea!
  • Do include your return address, and consider including a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope). Do not expect an answer (you’ll be pleasantly surprised if one arrives!).
  • You can usually find addresses for an author at their publisher’s website. You’ll use the form of “Author’s Name, c/o Publishing Company.” (Fun fact: c/o stands for “in care of.”) 

Find the publisher by checking the back of the book. A few common publishers are here:



Penguin/Random House

  • Remember that favorite books might be a little older and the author may not be in contact with the publisher anymore. You can also try Googling an author’s fan mail address, but many are not posted online.
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