N5B: I Survived...

I Survived the Hindenburg Disaster, 1937 by Lauren Tarshis came out this week, and I know there are a lot of kids in and around Easton looking forward to it! Historical fiction can be a really interesting genre, and adding the thriller element of disastrous events can make it all the more exciting! For those of you looking for you next fix after reading all of the I Survived... books, here are you Next 5 Books!


Horrors of History: City of the Dead: Galveston Hurricane, 1900 by T Neill Anderson

The fate of Sam, Charlie, Alice, Daisy, and other Galvestonians hangs in the balance as the flood waters rise during the great hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas, in 1900. Other books in this series are: Philadelphia Flu Epidemic, 1918; Ludlow Massacre, 1914; and The Burning of Columbia, 1895. 


Disaster Strikes: Earthquake Shock by Marlane Kennedy, illustrated by Erwin Madrid

When a sudden earthquake hits during a visit to the skate park, Joey and his friends are trapped on opposite sides of a collapsed overpass and must rescue each other while enduring aftershocks and making their way safely home. Other books in this series are: Tornado Alley, Blizzard Night, and Volcano Blast.

A City Tossed and Broken: The Diary of Minnie Bonner by Judy Blundell

It is 1906, and when her family is cheated out of their tavern, fourteen-year-old Minnie Bonner is forced to become a maid to the Sump family, who are moving to San Francisco--three weeks before the great earthquake. The Dear America series is made up of 43 historical fiction novels. Each book is written in the form of a diary of a young woman's life during and important event of time period in American history. The My Name is America series is similar, but written in the form of a young man's diary.



Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: One Dead Spy by Nathan Hale

Nathan Hale, the author’s historical namesake, was America’s first spy, a Revolutionary War hero who famously said “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” before being hanged by the British. In the Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales series, author Nathan Hale channels his namesake to present history’s roughest, toughest, and craziest stories in the graphic novel format. Other books in this series are: Big Bad Ironclad!; Donner Dinner Party; Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood; The Underground Abductor; and Alamo All-Stars.

The Everest Trilogy by Gordon Korman

A thrilling adventure trilogy from Gordon Korman about a number of kids competing to be the youngest person to ever reach the top of Mt. Everest. Korman also wrote series like Titanic, On the Run, and The Island.



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