Storytime: Here, There, and Everywhere

As the days grow longer, crocuses bloom, and the temperature slowly climbs, your friendly Children's Librarians are thinking about spring. Specifically, we're thinking about what the new season might mean for storytime.

In recent years, we've held storytime outside in the Queset Garden during the warmer months, both to enjoy the beautiful weather and to encourage social distancing. Now that our storytimes have returned to their pre-pandemic format, we want to ask you, our loyal storytime attendees, whether you would like to hold storytime outside this spring and summer or remain indoors.

Are you more of a sunshine, fresh air, and wide open spaces kind of family? Or, would you prefer a cozy little nook come rain or shine? Check out our survey and let us know!

Please note: in the event of inclement weather (heavy rain, etc), we'll always move inside for comfort and safety.

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Youth Services